game designer and writer

Kyoto Wild


Kyoto Wild is a 4-player weapon brawler about retired ronin fighting through feudal Japan.  
When a village-wide brawl ignites, the former masters face off with any weapons still on hand - swords, knives, rakes, a paper fan…

Four players face off in a one-hit-kill battle.
The surviving ronin moves on to a new part of town, to face more opponents controlled by the three slain players.
And the fight goes on - the little tale of a town gone wild, in each match.

Creator’s Note: “I cancelled this project because although it was joyful to work on a multiplayer party game, I grew, and learned how appropriative the game is of Japan and its culture - a country I have lived in and love dearly. I still love the game design of the project, and would consider picking it up in the future with a very different theme.” - Teddy


Kyoto Wild is designed, coded, & arted by Teddy Dief
Learn more from GamasutraEurogamer and Polygon interviews
Press assets available upon request